Dienstag, 10. September 2013

symptoms of depression

There are actually a lot of symptoms of depression that depressed people may actually posses but they donít have to suffer from each and every one of them before you actually help them get diagnosed and be treated for this illness. Also, since symptoms of depression actually vary, the time of their "attacks" varies as well.

Here are some common examples of symptoms of depression:

Prolonged period of sadness or not feeling "up to it," people who are always feeling not in the mood, whoíd rather mope around the house and feel sorry for oneís self is the best example for this symptom of depression.

Feels hopeless, perennial pessimist: speaking of feeling sorry for oneís self, another common symptom of depression is when a person actually feels like he/she has nothing to look forward to in his or her life. As for being the perennial pessimist, those who show this symptom of depression are usually very negative about things, again, the feeling of hopelessness comes in to mind.

Guilt-driven, loss of self-worth and helplessness: other symptoms of depression that can be easily seen on people who prefer to mope around all day long are these. Whenever a person feels so guilty over something, that actually makes one a very sad person who feels like he or she doesnít deserve to be happy. Thus, the loss of self-worth, if that person feels like he or she isnít worthy of being happy or enjoying oneís self then thatís clear tell-tale symptom of depression. Helplessness also contribute to being depressed, when assuming that things wonít simply go your way, itís already a clear saying that you have absolutely no hope in your body at all.

Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2013

Double Edged Depression

However, recent studies show an interesting connection between work (or lack thereof, in some cases) and the onset of depression. For many years, people have always equated being unemployed with the risk of becoming depressed, while stress and anxiety were linked to being employed. This is because of the obvious differences between the two states and the assumed effects such differences had on the average human mind. Being unemployed meant that someone was deprived of income and, in theory, a purpose in life. These things, according to the most prevalent view, are things that a person needs to feel fulfilled, with the lack thereof resulting in depression and other emotional problems. Meanwhile, being employed meant dealing with the pressure and the stress of meeting the demands of one's employer or customers. Yet, recent research has yielded results that these views might not be entirely accurate in today's environment.

For one thing, more and more people are becoming depressed despite having employment. While this has been a problem since the last decade, only recently has a study come to arrive at the conclusion that some people are becoming depressed because of work. According to the recent study, 7 percent of all full-time employees, with the numbers only being slightly lower in those who were employed part-time, had fought off bouts of depression at least once. This is a startling development, though unsurprising, given the nature of work and how employees are treated in the modern business world.

Freitag, 19. Juli 2013

Alcohol Depression

Dealing with depression means at the moment you may not be feeling too good. What with low energy, poor sleep and a general feeling of helplessness, naturally finding a solution out of being depressed is a much expected step. Sadly, most people turn to either legal (e.g. Zoloft) and illegal (e.g. marijuana) drugs or the use of drinking alcoholic beverages in a quest to ease the pain, however, research has shown that both illegal drugs and alcohol are marked depressants. (in spite of the buzz they may temporarily give) and speaking of depression drugs from recent studies, these substances just may not be worth the side-effects.
Now on the subject of alcohol use and depressive illnesses; this is actually the worst possible strategy for dealing with depression. Depressed moods can be a direct outcome of substance abuse. Conversely, use of alcohol by people with a depressive disorder may increase the severity of their depression symptoms and thus should be avoided.
Alcohol depression is quite rampant these days as up to 40 per cent of people who drink alcohol heavily have symptoms that resemble depression. However, when these same people are not drinking heavily, only 5 per cent of men and 10 per cent of woman have symptoms meeting the need to be diagnosed for depression.
Even though when used sparingly, alcohol may briefly produce a pleasant and relaxed state of the mind, depression resulting from alcohol is not uncommon. This starts off like anything else, slowly but picking up intensity with time. When alcohol is used sparingly, it may for a while lift the moods; however, when used to treat a depressive illness, tolerance to the effects of it may lead a patient of depression to drink more alcohol in search for a positive effect. This is where the problems begin, one drinks more and more and before you know it, alcohol- being a noted depressant-starts to cause depressive tendencies in the mind.

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Donnerstag, 18. Juli 2013

Acknowledge Your Depression

Depression is sadness that lasts too long. Everyone is sad at some point in their lives but depression is more than that. It is a feeling that you canít bring yourself up from the bottom. In the end you give up trying. People start to avoid you. You feel worse. You need to find external help to treat the problem in the same way as you would if you had a long-lasting cold. You could try herbal remedies Ė there are some in your pharmacy Ė or you could see your doctor. There may be an underlying physical cause for your depression.

If your doctor cannot help you they may refer you for counselling. Donít be embarrassed to go for counselling but do make sure you are comfortable with your counsellor. If not, try another one. Counselling should not be discounted because you donít feel comfortable with your first choice of practitioner. In everyday life you will naturally find that you get on with some people and clash with others. You cannot afford to have a personality clash with your counsellor. On the other hand you must be sure that it is a personality clash and not just that you donít agree with what they are saying. A general rule is to go with your instincts. If you like the person and seemed to get on well in the first couple of sessions then stick with it because they might just have touched on the root cause of your problem.

In some cases, acknowledging depression may be difficult because you have lived with it so long that you donít know whether it is depression or not. If you have grown up with depression it is possible not to realise that you are actually depressed because you have no concept of how normal people should feel. You may feel angry all the time or you may feel like going to the middle of an empty field and simply screaming. You may feel anxious, have trouble sleeping or even sleep too much. You may think that your family would be better off without you (and actually believe that to be true) and may have considered running away or suicide.

Dienstag, 16. Juli 2013

Effectively Treat Minor Depression

Find a hobby that you enjoy. If you have too much time on your hands, consider volunteering at a local hospital or becoming involved in some type of community activity that offers you personal satisfaction and enjoyment. After all, busy hands are happy hands.

The loss of sleep is one of the leading causes of stress and anxiety, which are directly related to depression. In order to improve the quality of your sleep, make sure that your mattress is comfortable, along with your pillow. It may also help to keep your bedroom at a comfortable temperature so that you can sleep soundly through the night without being disrupted by hot or cold temperatures. And finally, the use of portable air filters will help to remove allergens in the air and will leave your room with a feeling of cleanliness. This may help to ease allergies, which often disrupt sleep and can lead to anxiety throughout the day.

Consider the cause of your depression and try to remove it from your life. Whether it be a job or a relationship, you may be able to effectively eliminate the depression by getting away from the cause. If your work is stressful because of the amount of hours spent on the job, consider cutting back on overtime in exchange for more enjoyment at home and with family. If your schoolwork is too demanding, consider evaluating your courses and which are most important for your education. If a relationship is what has you in a rut, consider a counseling session for couples or talk with your partner about whatever it is thatís troubling you. If the problem is too great to work through, consider some time apart to reevaluate your relationship and see if the depression eases after a trial separation.

Quick Ways To Ease Stress, Depression

1. Take regular breaks from the firing line. Working hard without regular breaks is a great way to build up stress and tension. Make sure you have at least one 15-minute break in the morning and one in the afternoon as well as at least 20 minutes for lunch. If possible, eat lunch away from your workstation. Equally, if you have a lot to deal with in your life right now, taking a day, or a weekend elsewhere Ė longer if you can - to get some breathing space will really help. Even just a day away from the firing line will enable you to get some distance from the problems and help you to gather your thoughts.

2. Regular exercise can help relieve stress, depression and anxiety. Exercise releases endorphins into your system and will give you a natural boost. It will also provide you with a break from brooding and dwelling upon problems and troubles Ė but only if you perform the right kind of exercises. Avoid: Exercises that allow you to brood (weight lifting, jogging, treadmills) and perform exercises that require your full concentration. Competitive sports such as squash, tennis, badminton and circuit training are all excellent examples. It is important that you do not brood when you exercise because although you will be benefiting physically, you are still stressing yourself mentally and the stress, depression and anxiety will worsen.

Montag, 15. Juli 2013

Help You Wipeout Your Depression So You Can Live A Happy Life

Did you know that being lonely is a normal part of our everyday lives. Lets face it, we've all been there.
We get depressed when we fail in our exams, when we're rejected by the person we love, or when someone very close to us passes away.

That's just part of life. But, depression, however, can be more fatal than just plain loneliness. It could render Life-Long consequences that could ruin your Self-Esteem, Health, and Well-Being in the process. Well today is your lucky day because I'm going to share with you some great tips to help you conquer the 'Melancholy Mood' so you can get the MOST bliss out of your daily activities.
So, with that said, lets go to Tip #1.

Tip #1. Do you get enough Light and Sunshine?
Did you know that lack of exposure to sunlight is responsible for the secretion of the hormone called Melatonin, which could trigger a dispirited mood and/or a lethargic condition. Melatonin is only produced in the dark. What it does is it lowers the body temperature and makes you feel sluggish. So, if you are always cooped up in your room (with the curtains closed), it would be difficult to restrain yourself from staying in bed. This is the reason why many people suffer from depression much more often in winter than in the other seasons. It's simply because the nights are longer. If you can't afford to get some sunshine, you can always lighten up your room with brighter lights to help offset the darkness.


You could go have lunch outside the office for a change and take frequent walks in the early afternoon instead of driving your car over short distances. The choices are endless. It's really up to you.

Get a Social Life outside of work.

No man is an island. Your inner circle of friends are there to give you moral support. Spending time and engaging in worthwhile activities with them could give you a very satisfying feeling. And we all now... nothing feels better than having group support. And... never underestimate the power of Touch. What I mean is... doesn't it feel so good when someone pats you on the back and gives you words of encouragement during your most challenging times?
Hug or embrace someone today. Get intimate. Establish close ties with your family and friends. The love and care expressed by others could tremendously boost your immune system and fend off illnesses. 
Best of all, you'll live a more secured and happy life.


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Dr. med. Joachim Burkhardt-Kahlert
Facharzt für Psychatrie und Psychotherapie FMH
SIM-Zertifizierter Medizinischer Gutachter
FA Vertrauensarzt SGV

Freitag, 12. Juli 2013

Schweiz Psychotherapie

In der Schweiz wird nicht nach Methoden unterschieden. Entscheidend ist die Qualifikation des Therapeuten und der Besitz einer kantonalen Praxisbewilligung. Zugelassen sind psychotherapeutisch ausgebildete Ärzte, die ihrerseits nicht ärztliche Psychotherapeuten (psychotherapeutisch ausgebildete Psychologen, Human- oder Sozial-wissenschaftler) anstellen können. Diese Therapien werden von der obligatorischen Grund-Krankenversicherung finanziert. Private Versicherungen unterliegen weniger Beschränkungen, aber setzen eine integrale Ausbildung als Psychotherapeut voraus. Die Zulassung von Therapiemethoden erfolgt durch die Schweizer Charta für Psychotherapie, den Schweizerischen Berufsverband für angewandte Psychologie (SBAP), den Assoziation Schweizer PsychotherapeutInnen (ASP) sowie die Föderation Schweizerischer Psychologen (FSP).

Psychotherapie (von griechisch ψυχή psychḗ ‚Atem, Hauch, Seele‘ und θεραπεύειν therapeúein ‚pflegen, sorgen‘) ist das gezielte Behandeln einer psychischen Erkrankung, psychischer Folgen körperlicher Erkrankungen oder von Problemen der Lebensführung mit Hilfe verbaler Interventionen auf der Grundlage einer therapeutischen Arbeitsbeziehung. Dabei finden wissenschaftlich-anerkannte Verfahren systematische Verwendung.

In der Schweiz wird die Krankenkassen-Zulassung von psychotherapeutischen Methoden wie oben dargestellt durch die Schweizer Charta für Psychotherapie, den Schweizer Berufsverband für angewandte Psychologie SBAP, den Assoziation Schweizer PsychotherapeutInnen (ASP) sowie die Föderation Schweizer Psychologen (FSP) organisiert. Eine gültige Methoden-Zulassung erfolgt daher bis heute nach den Aufnahme-Kriterien dieser vier Verbände. Für die Zulassung zur Führung einer Psychotherapie-Praxis (Praxisbewilligung) sind die Kantone zuständig. Ab 2013 wird aber der Bund, mit dem in Kraft tretenden PsyG (2011), zuständig sein.

Dr. med. Joachim Burkhardt-Kahlert
Facharzt für Psychatrie und Psychotherapie FMH
SIM-Zertifizierter Medizinischer Gutachter
FA Vertrauensarzt SGV

Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie in Zürich

Psychotherapie ist eine zusammenfassende Bezeichnung für ein Behandlungsangebot, welches der Bewältigung psychischer und psychosomatischer Probleme und Störungen dient.
Die wissenschaftliche Psychologie fasst Psychotherapie als eine spezielle Form einer menschlichen Beziehung dar. Das Ziel von Psychotherapie besteht darin, Bedingungen zu schaffen, die eine Verringerung oder Heilung von seelischem oder körperlichen Leiden ermöglichen.
In der Psychotherapie versucht der Therapeut mit seinem Handeln eine Anleitung zur Selbsthilfe zu schaffen und den Prozess der Selbstentfaltung und Selbstheilung zu unterstützen.

Eine Psychotherapie kann notwendig werden, wenn Sie sich nicht mehr in der Lage fühlen, ihre persönliche Situation alleine zu bewältigen. Gerade in kritischen Lebenssituationen oder in Zeiten erheblicher Belastungen kann eine Psychotherapie eine kurz- oder auch langfristige Unterstützung bieten. Wichtig ist hierbei, dass Sie selbst bereit sind für eine Psychotherapie.

Dr. med. Joachim Burkhardt-Kahlert
Facharzt für Psychatrie und Psychotherapie FMH
SIM-Zertifizierter Medizinischer Gutachter
FA Vertrauensarzt SGV